So we went to Cluck U again (SmokeEaters). This time george attempted the challenge, and did it. He seemed to keep his composure the whole time. I have a video of it, but to tired to actually upload it, but here are some pictures...


Next time I am going to attempt a whole gallon of beer

Jieun's feet..haha

Prepping George

All ready

The Dino DooDoo

after, not too bad

The winners!!!

and losers!!!

Finished in 5min...

dude your lens makes that pitcher look freakin huge!!!! hahahaha
thoes pix were shot with my 17-40L f/4.0. i also have a 24-70f/2.8 and a 70-200f/4.0 and a 50f/1.8. i mostly use the 24-70 but my living room was tight and i wanted to get all the fam in so i settled for the 17-40 for that day. plus it was still daylight so the 2.8 wasnt really nessasary. =)
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